"Karate-dō begins and ends with respect." - Gichin Funakoshi
30 August 2024
Sensei Jon Davis
The physical benefits of martial arts training are seemingly obvious: improved cardiovascular health, increased flexibility, reduced stress, greater muscle mass, stamina, etc. Harder to measure, perhaps, are the intangible components of budo training that the student practices.
The dojo is a place where courage is fostered and superior human nature is bred through the joy of sweating in hard work. It is an incredible place where the human spirit is polished through the practice of a mindful attitude.
Karate begins and ends with it. Therefore, students must be courteous to seniors and juniors alike, their classmates, their friends, and even their foes. Treat your gi and training implements with great care. This practice helps us purify our mind in an attempt to be mentally and physically sound. Train in karate for the purpose of seeking peace and showing your deep respect for yourself and others.
We must purge our minds of egocentric thoughts during training. When we compare ourselves to others, we can feel either inferior or superior to the skill of our classmates. The only person we should compare ourselves to is our own potential; concentrating on performing all of our movements with maximum concentration and effort.
As you enter the dojo, leave all distracting thoughts, feelings and emotions at the door. Concentrate fully on your training with body, mind and spirit.
Develop a "never give up" attitude. Cultivate perseverance and tenacity by strengthening your body and overcoming difficulties that arise during training.
A karateka strives to keep their body and mind clean and balanced. When one loses a pure mind, it is no longer possible to learn karate for the right purpose. When one lacks cleanliness, it is a reflection of a cluttered and untidy mind.
Focused, steady efforts can produce massive results. Diligence is deeply rooted in the spirit of bushido (way of the warrior), and it is important for us to pass this trait on to younger generations - so they may have an unshakable spirit in the face of difficulty, challenge and strife.
Martial artists strive to develop and maintain harmony and peace in their relationships and interactions. They try to maintain calm equanimity in their speech, actions and emotions.